Set your CVSROOT variable environment in your .bashrc :
$ export CVSROOT=:ext:@:/path/to/cvs/repository
To import an existing project to the CVS server :
$ cd files/of/your/project
$ cvs import -m " - Initial version."
init devel
To upload files to the CVS server :
$ cvs commit -m "Comments"
To retrieve files from the CVS server :
$ cvs checkout
To update your files from the CVS server :
$ cvs update
To get information of a file :
$ cvs log
To compare your file from his copy on the CVS :
$ cvs diff
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How to add a user to an existing group ?
$ adduser -g group -d /home/group/user user
How to create a block device from a file ?
For a 100M size file:
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/block1 bs=100M count=1
$ losetup /dev/loop0 /root/block1
$ mkfs -j /dev/loop0
$ mount -t ext3 /dev/loop0 /mnt/newfs
How do I do an automatic backup ?
cd /over/the/repository/to/backup
date +%d-%m-%Y > date
tar -zcvf /repository/for/backup/`head date`.tgz /repository/to/backup
rm date
How do I do an automatic dump ?
For PostgreSQL database :
cd /repository/for/dumpfile
date +%d-%m-%Y > date
pg_dump -D database -U username > `head date`.database.sql
rm date
The password will be asked at the prompt, which is a problem I have never solved yet.
For MySQL database :
cd /repository/for/dumpfile
date +%d-%md%Y > date
mysqldump -D database -u username -p passwd > `head date`.database.sql
rm date
You can copy these lines in a file, and move it to /etc/cron.daily/, for example.
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You can download the method of Sonic :
- The pdf documentation only : [ PDF ]
- The complete Tarball Files containing all installation files of required softwares and the previous pdf file : [ TGZ , 3,56 M ]
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Les diapositives de ma présentation d’Open-Xchange Server 5 à la FACIL sont maintenant disponibles : [PDF].
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I had carried out my internship from May to October 2004 in Savoir-faire Linux Inc, Linux integrator in Montreal.
Project : LABE – LDAP Address Book Editor
Savoir-faire Linux Inc has been at the origin of the LABE Project (LDAP Address Book Editor) and I learnt a great deal participating to the development of this open-source project.
On May the 20th, I released the 3.3 version of LABE.
Project : Network Monitoring
Savoir-faire Linux Inc is responsible for hosting many websites and wants to know the bandwidth used by each one in a month. After studying SNMP, Ntop and Iptables, I have found a complete NetFlow solution using Fprobe and Flavio. You can download the report of my internship: [PDF] and the slides of my presentation : [PDF].
Trade shows
Savoir-faire Linux at the Linux World Expo in Toronto, ON – 2005, April 18th to 20th : [ HTML ]
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Knowledge Management – Enablers and barriers to knowledge sharing in organizations
You can download :
- The description of the project : [ PDF ]
- The paper I will base my analysis on to present the influence of technology : [ PDF ]
- The presentation : [ PDF ]
- The report : [ PDF ]
My group was :
- Beth Dowling
- Caroline Vincent
- Christophe Muller
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Individual Report : Business 2 Customer
You can download my report about web advertising : [ PDF ]
Case study : Kalboard
You can download the sales pitch presentation of the project to understand what we are going to do : [ PDF ]
Concerning the final presentation, you can download :
- The prototype : [ HTML ]
- The slides : [ PDF ]
- The report : [ PDF ]
My group was :
- Yvonne Ko
- Sang-Ju Chuang
- Nidal Khalifeh
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- Independence, conditionnal independence and Bayes network : [ Homework , Assignment ]
- Bayes ball, variable elimination and junction tree algorithms, undirected and directed models, clique trees and I-Maps : [ Homework , Assignment ]
- Likelihood weighting, Markov chain, Gibbs sampling, parameter estimation in Bayes nets, maximum likelihood estimation and learning Bayes net structure : [ Homework , Assignment ]
- Expectation Maximization (EM), Hidden Markov Models (HMM) : [ Homework , Assignment ]
- Expected Utility, Markov Decision Problem, Optimal policies, Action-values, Reinforcement learning, Exploration: [ Homework , Assignment ]
Programming Assignments : Junction Tree Algorithm and Approximate Inference methods
(Likelihood weighting and Gibbs sampling)
- Group : Jérémie Juban
- Subject : [ PDF ]
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- Number Theory : [ Homework , Assignment ]
- Encryption & Authentication : [ Homework , Assignment ]
- Information Theory & Pseudo-random Generator : [ Homework , Assignment ]
- DES, AES, Pseudo-Random Permutation Generator, Factoring and Block Cipher : [ Homework , Assignment ]
- RSA, ElGamal, Blum-Goldwasser, Jacobi symbol and least significant bit, Goldwasser-Micali : [ Homework , Assignment ]
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Project : Web Interface Generator (WIG)
- The milestone of the WIG Project : [ PDF ]
- Scanner and Parser : [ JAR ]
- Symbol Table : [ JAR ]
- Type Check : [ JAR ]
- The whole project source code : [ TGZ ]
- The report : [ PDF ]
Project : Java Object-Oriented Subset ( JOOS )
- Our benchmark : [ JAR ]
- Grammar for i++, /* comment */ and for loop : [ JAR ]
- Dynamic stack limit : [ JAR ]
- Bytecode optimization : [ JAR ]
My group (#5) was :
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