Maxime Chambreuil

Thursday December 18, 2003

Cryptography & Data Security

Max @ 19:04 | Filed under: Information Technology

McGill UniversityAssignments

Compiler Design

Max @ 18:51 | Filed under: Information Technology

McGill UniversityProject : Web Interface Generator (WIG)

  • The milestone of the WIG Project : [ PDF ]
  • Scanner and Parser : [ JAR ]
  • Symbol Table : [ JAR ]
  • Type Check : [ JAR ]
  • The whole project source code : [ TGZ ]
  • The report : [ PDF ]

Project : Java Object-Oriented Subset ( JOOS )

  • Our benchmark : [ JAR ]
  • Grammar for i++, /* comment */ and for loop : [ JAR ]
  • Dynamic stack limit : [ JAR ]
  • Bytecode optimization : [ JAR ]

My group (#5) was :

Tuesday June 17, 2003

Network Diagnostic

Max @ 20:21 | Filed under: Information Technology

Information System EngineeringYou can download :

  • Lan Map Shot installation documentation : [ PDF ]
  • Inter Mapper installation documentation : [ PDF ]
  • 3Com Network Supervisor installation documentation : [ PDF ]

Useful links :

Friday January 17, 2003


Max @ 20:08 | Filed under: Information Technology

Information System EngineeringYou can download :

  • The subject : [ PDF ]
  • The report : [ PDF ]
  • The source of our HTTP Server : [ C ]
  • The report of our HTTP Server : [ PDF ]

Saturday August 17, 2002


Max @ 20:54 | Filed under: Information Technology

In 2002, from July the 21st to August the 31st, I carried out my technician training period in CSI System & Network in Mont Saint Aignan (France).The subject of my work was : “Information System Metrology”, I have to design a free solution for a company to monitor his network and systems.

That’s why I have studied differents softwares : Big Brother, MRTG, Treshold, RRD Tools…

You can download :

  • The whole project : [ ZIP ]
  • My whole report : [ PDF ]
  • My report : [ PDF ]
  • The sum-up of my report : [ PDF ]
  • The specs of the project : [ PDF ]
  • Installation of Big Brother Client under Window$ 2000 Server : [ PDF ]
  • Perl scripts for Big Brother Client under Window$ 2000 Server : [ ZIP ]
  • Installation of Big Brother Client under Linux Red Hat 7.1 : [ PDF ]
  • Bash Scripts for Big Brother Client under Linux Red Hat 7.1 : [ ZIP ]
  • Installation of Big Brother Server under Window$ 2000 Server : [ PDF ]
  • Installation of Big Brother Server under Linux Red Hat 7.1 : [ PDF ]
  • Installation of Treshold under Window$ 2000 Server : [ PDF ]
  • Installation of RRD-Tools under Window$ 2000 Server : [ PDF ]
  • Installation of SNMP under Linux Red Hat 7.1 : [ PDF ]

Wednesday July 17, 2002

INSA of Rouen

Max @ 20:49 | Filed under: Information Technology

Forum Haute Normandie

In 2002, during autumn, I was in charge of designing and realizing the web site of the Forum Haute Normandie.

This forum is organized by communication services of engineering schools of Normandy, and happened in ESIGELEC in 2002.

During this forum, students can personally help HR manager, which is a good means to establish a contact and find a training period.

Chemistry Dept Website

In 2002, from July the 1st to the 19th, I took part in installing the package of the new website of the Chemistry Department. This package was designed by the team of the SID (Dynamic Insa Website). During this project, I was in charge of realizing the administration part and WebCalendar.

Monday June 17, 2002

Scientific calculator

Max @ 19:58 | Filed under: Information Technology

Information System EngineeringDuring the first semester, ASI3’s students have to realize a scientific calculator, where accuracy is specified by the user. Unfortunately, this project didn’t work. So the goal was to complete the implementation of this calculator.

You can download :

  • the sources [ ZIP ]
  • my presentation [ PPT ]
  • my report [ PDF ]

Software Engineering

Max @ 19:50 | Filed under: Information Technology

Information System EngineeringProject

Subject : The project consists in designing (and not developing) a software. The teacher plays the customer and the group of students the supplier. We have chosen to design a software which can be used by a nursery, which would like to know how much money, from differents organisms, they can get. We have proceeded to establish a series of screen, to present to the customer. We would like to know if we are on the same wave. Then we have identified the different use case, we have drawn a designing class diagram and a sequence diagram in UML formalism.

You can download the report we have transmitted for the other group which will develop what we have designed : [ PDF ].

You can download the presentation about our development of the docu project : [ PPT ].

Thursday January 17, 2002

Computer Architecture and Operating System

Max @ 19:25 | Filed under: Information Technology

Information System EngineeringProject 1 : Installation of a multisystem on one machine

Subject : Each group of 6 students have to realise a web site concerning a subject, given by the teacher. My group was in charge of : installing 4 operating systems on 1 machine

Project 2 : K-ASI-Brique

Subject : Each group of 6 students have to solve a problem concerning computer architecture and operating system. This project is an opportunity to apply the course. My group was in charge of : K-ASI-Brique.
You can download :

  • The sources : [ ZIP ]
  • My personal report : [ PDF ]
  • The general report : [ PDF ]
  • The presentation : [ PPT ]

Practical Session

You can download my report of all practical session :

  • Session 4 : Assembler 8086 [ HTML ]
  • Session 5 & 6 : Stack and Assembler [ HTML ]
  • Session 7 : Operating System [ HTML ]
  • Session 8 : Shell [ PDF ]
  • Session 9 : File System and Bash [ PDF ]
  • Session 10 & 11 : Process Management and Communication [ PDF ]
  • Session 12 : Memory hierarchy (VisualOS) [ PDF ]
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Copyright © Maxime Chambreuil