Subject : Each student had to realize a report about an economic notion or present a company. I have chosen to present :
CORNING : The Goal of a Technological Cycle.
You can download my report [ PDF ] and my presentation [ PPT ].
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Dephasing device
Subject : The project consist in realizing a dephasing device for a practical session about vibration. After having studied the scheme, we have bought the different components and build a Dephasing Device.
You can download the presentation of our work here.
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Project : Scientific calculator
Subject : It consists in designing and developing a scientific calculator, where the accuracy is chosen and given by the user. 6 groups among the 28 students of the promotion will realize a part of the calculator, following the incremental model of developing.
My group was in charge of the human / machine interface, ie. the compiler, done with Flex & Bison.
You can download the sources of our work here and our presentation there.
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Practical Sessions
You can download my report of all practical sessions :
- Interpolation : [ ZIP ]
- Complexity : [ ZIP ]
- QR Decomposition : [ ZIP ]
- Lower Square : [ ZIP ]
- Relaxation : [ ZIP ]
- Newton : [ ZIP ]
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Practical Sessions
You can download reports of all practical sessions :
- Fourier’s Transformation : [ ZIP ]
- Sampling : [ Matlab ]
- Filters & Systems : [ Matlab ]
- Discret Fourier’s Transformation : [ Matlab ]
- Numerical Filtering : [ ZIP ]
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Project 1 : Installation of a multisystem on one machine
Subject : Each group of 6 students have to realise a web site concerning a subject, given by the teacher. My group was in charge of : installing 4 operating systems on 1 machine
Project 2 : K-ASI-Brique
Subject : Each group of 6 students have to solve a problem concerning computer architecture and operating system. This project is an opportunity to apply the course. My group was in charge of : K-ASI-Brique.
You can download :
- The sources : [ ZIP ]
- My personal report : [ PDF ]
- The general report : [ PDF ]
- The presentation : [ PPT ]
Practical Session
You can download my report of all practical session :
- Session 4 : Assembler 8086 [ HTML ]
- Session 5 & 6 : Stack and Assembler [ HTML ]
- Session 7 : Operating System [ HTML ]
- Session 8 : Shell [ PDF ]
- Session 9 : File System and Bash [ PDF ]
- Session 10 & 11 : Process Management and Communication [ PDF ]
- Session 12 : Memory hierarchy (VisualOS) [ PDF ]
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